
Kitchen For All

  • Category : Kitchen
Kitchen For All
  • ANKV
  • TOFD

Kitchens are an important part of everyday life and can be considered as a work, hobby, or motivation area in which we spend an important part of our lives. Kitchens are also areas that support social interaction by bringing people together and they stimulate many senses at the same time, beyond cooking. However, their accessibility must be at the highest level in terms of both spatial design and the variety of products included.

Today, while research and design suggestions are made for product and spatial aspects in the kitchen area, accessibility can be neglected in solutions that are implemented, even for quite simple operations. As a result, many sections of the society, especially disabled people, experience interaction problems in their daily lives. Within the scope of this project, it is expected that the kitchen will be approached in an integrated way and solutions will be developed enabling everyone to have a better experience. This project will be carried out in collaboration with two partner NGOs - “Six Dots Foundation of the Blind” and “The Spinal Cord Paralytics Association of Turkey”

Specific areas that can be examined within the subject are:

  • Spatial accessibility in kitchens
  • Solutions for wet and dry spaces
  • Solutions for tasks such as preparation, storage and washing
  • Problems with kitchen countertops
  • Solutions to prevent kitchen accidents
  • Solutions for easy understanding of the contents in packages for people with impaired sight
  • Inclusive solutions to provide a better culinary experience for everyone

Project Application Area